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Monday, July 29, 2013

DIY Hypnosis To Promote Self Confidence

Most people believe that Hypnosis can only safely be done under the influence of a qualified professional and when it involves one person hypnotizing another; then you would be right in that assumption but when it comes to putting yourself under hypnosis then it is more than perfectly safe.

Over the years, hypnosis has been widely used to safely help people stopping smoking, over eating beat addiction and improve their mental image of themselves, leaving them happy and confident.

Although going to a licensed hypnotherapist will help you do all of these things and more, you do have to pay a hefty fee which most people simply just cannot afford.

What most other hypnotherapist will not tell you is that it is actually possible for you to learn these techniques yourself allowing you to still reap all of the benefits, without the cost.

Self hypnosis is a form of meditation that allows you to enter a deep state of calmness and access your sub-consciousness which is where you need to implant your positive message to really make changes to your own self image and worth.

It also allows you to de-stress yourself, letting go of built up stress will help you to improve your health and find solutions to other problems that may be underlying that you need to make decisions about. Letting go of everything allows you to see your life and the world around you from a different perspective, which can help you if you have a tricky problem that you are trying to resolve but have found it so far difficult to see outside of the situation which is clouding your judgment.

You begin by choosing a phrase or word which you associate with the change you wish to make which in this instance is your self confidence. The word(s) need to be positive and strongly so, with words such as "I will" in them or "I am" this is what will allow the message to stick into your subconscious and once that is repeated upon on a regular basis, you will have your recipe for success.

The next stage is to find a quiet place where you are able to take the time you need in order to put yourself in this deep state of relaxation without being bothered by outside influences and this includes other family members and pets.

Find a quiet spot in the house, or even in some secluded part of your garden, that will be your personal choice. The choice to have music softly playing in the back ground is also a personal choice it is something you may want to try and see if you find it helps you or not.

Taking around 10 to 15 minutes a day is sufficient enough, when carried over a month, to help the message to truly stick and make a positive change. Remember, such self hypnosis will help you have greater control over your life -and not others-, by finding inner peace and to be able to see the overall picture which helps us to make the right decisions in order to move closer to find and achieve success.

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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